Rising above the protracted calamity of campaign politics, we can recognize how the People are being sidelined by an explosion of competing information.  We are witnessing the corrupting power and partisan application of a new Digital Media — the dark side. Recent political media tactics have resulted in the lowest voter turnout in over 20 years.


The swift proliferation of the Internet and social media have left many of us unprepared for the information deluge. Sorting through increasing volumes of information, leaves less time to validate Truth from Fake.


Those seeking power and influence produce or release biased and well-timed misinformation or Spin to further their own self interests. This burgeoning practice is creating a dangerous functional gap and brings with it unprecedented division, confusion, and frustration—  a recipe for violence.



Media services providing unbiased, accurate and validated information have an extraordinary chance for global following and empowering social progress. While knowledge centers (including: technology & research hubs, community, business and academia) are able to provide needs-driven capacity building with open access to rigorous information on trends and developments.


Open access to trusted information is a cornerstone to developing knowledge, lifestyle clarity, and cultivating roles with evolving functionalities and interests— continuously integrating new learning experiences for advancing our changing realities.