The Escalating Speed of Technology Advance and Convergence


Technology disruption is tearing across the fabric of our industry-based lifestyles,


Stampeding over a growing number of us like a virus and forcing calamity upon our lives.


‘Normal’ is out of Vogue — Accepted Routine is being swept away by Rushing ‘Changes’ and the Unprepared Reactions to them 


Artificial Intelligence is Introduced into our Homes and Everyday Lives by the Tens of Millions.


At Ground Level, a simple purchase of an Internet device, such as an Amazon Echo, provides control of a growing mass of connected services, gadgets and appliances inside and outside our homes.


Services and gadgets providing 24/7 AI access throughout our homes and social lives, Learning all of our family’s likes and dislikes, programming and filtering our media and information, family locations, food, ordering etc. Services offering advice and answer all of our questions.


Internet service provider and wireless carrier Verizon, recently assured us they wouldn’t sell our information – even though they legally can.
Audio company Bose, has recently admitted to using their headphones to collect and sell our personal information.


AI-linked Autonomous Vehicles as a Service is being prepared to supplant automobile ownership by profit driven manufacturers and insurance companies.


Considering just these few examples, what can result from the pending avalanche of AI infusion?


20th century methods of capitalism focus on the race to new markets and fast profits. Adaptive and Connected communities are empowered for valuating the profound social impact of AI and AI-derived technologies.
The Underlying lifestyle implications have to be understood and translated within our communities.