Category: Disruptive Technologies and Innovations

Rampant Change

Technology Innovations Are Forcing Rampant Changes   Layers of Bureaucracy are Unable to Cope with

Giving It Away

In this hour, stories from TED speakers who are “giving it away” in new and

The Food We Eat

Food is more than nourishment. It’s a source of pleasure — and guilt — and


In a world with limited resources, can we find ways to salvage what’s disappearing? Can

Democracy On Trial

Democracy is often hailed as the best form of government. But with a growing sense


Humans adapt to physical and creative challenges in remarkable ways. How do we do it,


It’s an unpleasant thought, but we’re exposed to toxins every day. This episode, TED speakers

How We Love

Love is instinctive and essential, but what is it that brings certain people together? In